Sometimes it's good to focus on something different than you are used to, because it makes you see the quality in you every day life.

Så länge kan jag bara skriva om en liten myskväll vi hade igår med några tjejer från laget. Vi satt på en balkong med massa gott och pratade. Sådant är oerhört nödvändigt många gånger och det känns som jag absolut fick en rättvisare vinkel på saker och ting. Absolut inte att jag haft helt fel, men det är skönt att få prata av sig ibland. Tack för den, den gör vi snart om, ni är så fina♥

Now it was a long time since we were in here! Life has intervened, simply as that. I promise I'll be back as soon as I have something interesting to write about, but right now, my life has not been devoted so much of training or similar so it's pretty empty in this case.
What I can say is that I still haven't heard anything from the doctors in Stockholm, but I'm not worried. My coach says I can trust them and I do. Hopefully next week!
As long as I can only write about a little cozy we night we had yesterday with some girls from our team. We sat on the balcony with a lot of good talking. Such is incredibly necessary many times and it feels like I definitely got a fairer angle on things. Certainly not that I had completely wrong, but it's nice to talk to sometimes. Thanks for that, soon again! you are so beautiful ♥