Sorround yourself with beautiful people and not even the worst can break you.

Att man stöter på hinder på vägen är en del i spelet, och också därför vinsten blir så fin.
I'm completely mentally exhausted after this day. 4 hour's of math test , a trip between the stores, training for the kids , and last but not least: the physiotherapist time . The last one was the heaviest . Someone was and tried to pull the rug from under my feet when it was determined that this rehab was perhaps not the thing for me and my back. Early next week , my physical therapist is going to call me. During that time, he's going to try to pull the threads to find the right kind of person to solve this injury.
As the rehab has been a " wild card " in the absence of more shots in the gun I shouldn't be surprised. It was a guess to even get started and it didn't worked out like we wanted . Pain after exercise and pain after treatment led simply to this . I became sad and disappointed so I did the right thing when I stepped outside the door : called the world's best Magdalena and hips swish we lay on the bridge and look up in the clouds and realized that life goes on anyway. I 've said that I'll win, and I for sure stand by that.
Encountering obstacles along the way is part of the game, and that's why the profits will be so great.
So a big thank you to Magdalena for being a mountain for me when I myself feel like a valley♥