We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

- Det är inte många dagar kvar fram till ledighet nu, och känner att jag faktiskt orkar kämpa sista biten!
- Jag har tagit ännu mer konkreta beslut i helgen. Ryggen må vara ett helvete men fan vad jag ska vinna.
- Laget presterade bra i helgen. Jag blir lycklig när de är lyckliga!
- Inväntar Ivar och Adam för randomhäng, kan inte bli annat än bra!
This Tuesday I'm giving myself multiple mentally high- fives.
- I have survived four tests in two days and it still feels like I did good in all of them .
- I had one of the best weekends I have experienced so far this weekend. A-lot-to-do layered with half powernap-half awake under a blanket . Laughter in hours and unforgettable memories. Internjokes and a really fucking happy Sandra . So much love .
- There aren't many days left of school now , and feel that I'm actually bothered to fight the last bit!
- I took even more concrete decisions this weekend . My back may be hell but damn what I'm gonna win.
- Don't dare doubt the last point.
- The team performed well this weekend. I'm happy when they are happy!
- The stress that has been heavy on my shoulders have dropped , slowly but surely.
- Had a kickass class today for the kids. Everyone had fun still it was very rewarding.
- Awaiting Ivar and Adam for randomchill or something , can't be anything but fun!
with these happiness points I want you to do your own mentally and then I say thank you, bye and see you tomorrow for now I'll just ENJOY a night off!