worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength
Stänga av podcast/ljudbok/telefon och inte lyssna på något alls när en går/cyklar/tränar/buss etc.
- Medvetet njuta och uppleva stunder som känns verkligt underbara. Som den där middagen med bästisar eller när du borrar in näsan i kärlekens hals.
- Verkligen krama om vänner/familj/nära ordentligt. Hålla kvar. Krama på riktigt.
- Stänga av alla störande bakgrundsljud (tv/radio/musik) och vila i tystnaden ibland.
- Sluta multitaska. Öva på att göra en sak i taget för att sänka stressnivån. Läs en bok, inte läsa en bok med tvn på. Titta på film, inte film med mobilen i handen. Diska, inte diska och stressa över allt annat.
- Stanna upp när vi ser en stark solnedgång, spontant stanna upp och andas in eller sluta skynda oss när vi inte behöver.
- Verkligen SE dem vi pratar med istället för att tänka på annat. Det är skillnad på att SE och se (flummigt?)
Den tycker jag är fin. Hoppas ni känner er inspirerande!Such days or moments where the stress gets overwhelming and just backfires you I'm having right now. I just talked to some of my beautiful friends and I decided to have a quiet evening with all stressfactors disconnected. It's nice to recharge yourself before what will happen my following two weeks. I'll be busy all my awake time as I calculate it now. After that I hope some things are setteling. Approximately half/half in fun/boring stuffs to do... but no matter which one it is , it's important to just "be" sometimes . I love to have a high tact in things but don't forget that sometimes, ypu need to slow down to breathe . As inspiration , I 've here a list borrowed from PT- Fia , who will inspire to less stress and learning to live more in the present moment: (in swedish)
- Turning the podcast/audiobook/phone and not listening to anything at all when walking/biking or travling by train/bus etc.
- Consciously enjoy and experience the moments that feels truly wonderful . Like that dinner with best friends or when drilling your nose into your love's throat .
- Really hug friends/family/close properly. Hold. Embracing for real.
- Turn off all background noise ( TV/radio/music) and rest in silence sometimes .
- Stop multitasking. Practice doing one thing at a time to lower the stress leve . Read a book, don't read a book with the TV on. Watch the movie , not the movie with the cell phone in your hand. Washing dishes, not washing dishes and stressing over everything else.
- Stop when we you see a strong sunset, spontaneously stopping to breathe or stop rush, which we don't need, to bring us down.
- Really SEE the people we are talking to instead of thinking of something else. There is a difference between SEE and see (fuzzy? hope you understand anyway)
It like this. Hope you feel inspired as I feel!